Ernesto "Che" Guevara was a communist revolutionary born in Argentina on June 14, 1928. Degree in Medicine, after observing the poverty and inequality of people in South America, he joined the revolutionary movement in Cuba. With Fidel Castro and a small group of people, he overthrow the Cuban Dictator Fulgencio Batista, and started a communist regime on that country.
If you like (or share) Che's ideals, or if you like to honor its life and career, or if you just want to, you can download this wallpaper which selects the best photos available at the gallery on the developer's site. Of course they are rather old, black and white. Moreover, they are quite tiny, so don't try to stretch them much: they will lose quality.
The installer performs its task very quick, you can instantly chose the image to display on the screensaver, and if you double-click any of them, you set them as the current wallpaper.
In my opinion, this screensaver is not so good as others, it lacks some important photos of Ernesto. But it's an interesting starting point to visit the developer's site and know more about this icon.